Book General Votel

Leading with purpose, Inspiring growth

Bringing principled and inclusive leadership centered on strong relationships, effective communication, and deep trust that empowers and allows the whole team to bring its best to every mission.

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About General Joe Votel

General Votel is a distinguished military leader celebrated for his visionary strategies and inspirational leadership. His unwavering commitment to service has shaped critical operations and fostered international relationships, leaving a profound impact on military strategy and global diplomacy.


Relationships have to be continuously developed. They are not a fire-and-forget proposition. You must nurture, maintain, and sustain them over time. This is how you build trust.

— General Joe Votel

Israel at War

Al Majalla

Jun. 20, 2024

View the Interview

CBS News

Jun. 6, 2024

CBS Reports 1964

Fox News

Jun. 1, 2024

Cavuto Live

West Point

May. 31, 2024


May. 8, 2024

Fox News

May. 4, 2024

Energy Intelligence

Jul. 5, 2024

Sea Drones Becoming Houthis’ Weapon of Choice

Al Majalla

Jun. 13, 2024

Joseph Votel: A US-Saudi defence pact is mutually vital

Middle East Institute

Jun. 7, 2024

From “fierce entanglement” to a viable path toward Palestinian statehood: A pragmatic proposal

The Hill

Jun. 2, 2024

US leadership is essential to counter surging anti-democratic influence

Washington Post

May. 30, 2024

Gaza pier suspension another blow to troubled U.S. aid mission

May. 28, 2024

Memorial Day Tribute 2024: Remembering Dan Whitten

What He's Speaking About

Risk Management
and Resilience


Public/Private Sector Collaboration

National Security
and Global Affairs

and Special Operations

Crisis Management
and Decision Making

What He's Listening to Now

Our Future is Bright with Leaders like this. Why we “Gen Z” choose to serve and the People who influence them.

Why Managers Play Favorites – and How They Can Change

Israel-Gaza War & US Threats: Former CIA Acting Director Michael Morell with Beth Sanner, Former Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Mission Integration at the Office of The Director of National Intelligence

JOCKO Podcast

This Is Why People Don’t Achieve What They Set Out To Achieve.


Book General Votel

If you’re organizing a corporate event, leadership summit, an exclusive roundtable engagement, or any gathering where inspiration and leadership take center stage, General Joe Votel is the perfect choice to enhance your event.
